What is Infant Massage? A regular routine of infant massage can benefit both the caregiver and the child who is 2 years old and younger. This is why a Certified Infant Massage Teacher ( CIMT ) will demonstrate massage techniques to the parent or caregiver that they can do directly with their child. This usually takes place in a group setting. Studies show that massage helps increase bonding between caregiver and child. A few of the many benefits of Infant Massage include: Improved Sleep Patterns Deepens Bonding Enhanced Immune Function Helps with Colic and Constipation Helps with Brain Development A few of the many benefits of Pediatric Massage include: Improved Focus Comforting Growing Pains Reduced Aggressive Behavior More Restful Sleep Enhanced Pulmonary Function Studies show, Massage can benefit children who are diagnosed with: Autism ADD/ADHD Asthma Cancer (helps with stress reduction) Cerebral...
Massage for Infants, Toddlers, and Teens (MITTS) is a program developed by the Village Academy for Families, LLC. Our goal is to help build healthy relationships through positive touch. If it takes a village to raise a child, that village needs to be equipped with the appropriate tools to do so. Massage services that include the needs of the whole family provide tools that help the individual receiving the massage and helps build and maintain healthy relationships.